Heavenly Hunger | Teen Ink

Heavenly Hunger

July 8, 2012
By Ridiculouslyme PLATINUM, Vancouver, Washington
Ridiculouslyme PLATINUM, Vancouver, Washington
48 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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The world is full of people who make bad decisions but bad decisions don't make bad people.

He looks at me hungrily. His eyes taking in every inch of my body. Usual satisfying stares now leave me feeling empty and confused. I can remember when the openly gawking people filled me with joy. The looks on their face while looking at my unnervingly perfect face and curvaceous body. The air of heavenly light that swirls around me, intimidating these poor humans. But now the only thing I feel Is empty. My heart has gone cold and I long for more. My thirst, my hunger for attention never fading.

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