Impossible Speck | Teen Ink

Impossible Speck

July 13, 2012
By Bunbungirl SILVER, Tampa, Florida
Bunbungirl SILVER, Tampa, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Accept Loss forever"
Jack Kerunac

I am the impossible speck
Millions no, trillions no not that either
A Gadrillion years in the making
Yet I can be blown away in a second
Can and will
The wind will carry me home
So what can I do but be a speck until then?
The others think I am insane
They say we are not specks
Not impossible, not at all!
They while away the hours staring
At distant scenes
Sometimes wishing, secretly wanting,
But too afraid to be an impossible speck
They spend the days and the years rubbling
Making useless noise
What’s up and Nice weather
I want to shout
It’s new to me
but old too
Soon they will realize that they are
A speck
And as soon as they do
we will be an ocean floor
We will be little feet on sand
And a bench
We’ll be cities
And suburbs
And early morning orgies
We’ll be lakes
Tow trucks
And taxie cab painting
We’ll be screaming kids
And japanese pop groups
we’ll be burrows
and rabbits
aborted babies
crazies that stand on the corner
and hippie dippy hipsters
the mud on the president’s shoe
and the president too, of course
and pretty soon
we will be the world
but why stop there?
We’ll be the universe
And the multiverse
We will be The Edge
And dare I say it
But most importantly
We will be you
With this poem in your hands
Yeah you!
You look surprised
Don’t you know?
you are a impossible speck too

The author's comments:
Nothing much to say about this one. It's all in the pudding (so to speak)

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