Escape | Teen Ink


July 12, 2012
By iremembered_ GOLD, Montgomery, Illinois
iremembered_ GOLD, Montgomery, Illinois
13 articles 13 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering, optional." - James Hetfield

I look behind me, but there's nobody there,
I look again and there he stood,
I blink and he comes closer,
I back away in fear, but he comes ever so closer,
I turn to flee, but he's right by my side,
I can't escape my mind.

It turns against me when I need it most,
Can't quite comprehend why I'm its host,
Sorrow and fear is what it makes me feel,
Pain is all that I must know,
Love is a distant cry cut short by the fallen bird,
Happiness is driven out,
Hatred is forced back in,
But what I can't understand is, why?
I can't escape my mind.

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