Torn Apart | Teen Ink

Torn Apart

July 11, 2012
By dream.out.loud. GOLD, Charlotte, North Carolina
dream.out.loud. GOLD, Charlotte, North Carolina
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."

How long until I feel okay
you left me with no words to say
now all I see is the lonely dark
as I lay here, torn apart

I'd like to think I have no regrets
but how can I
when to you it was just a game
to cause me pain

I guess she's what you want
since when she came along
you kicked me out the door
and left me torn apart

I was blind
because I thought it was only you
I was wrong, I was naive
and now I'm torn apart

It kills me when you're together
when you look at her I'm breaking
why is that not me?
why do you want to hurt me?

But you don't even know
that I'm torn apart
you built me up
just to watch me fall

you broke me
when I wasn't whole
now all I see is the lonely dark
as I lay here, torn apart.

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