Into the Light | Teen Ink

Into the Light

June 8, 2012
By kkendrick28 BRONZE, Pikeville, Kentucky
kkendrick28 BRONZE, Pikeville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No more sitting down and expect something that will never come. I will move the stars on my own."

My music is my release,
My one way to seek peace,
The expression of my emotions,
Because no one will listen to me speak.

Only those who care,
Those who dare,
Those devoted to music,
Will hear my passion,
My rage, my despair,
And my happiness.
Those who listen may even hear
My faint hope and love.

My love for music,
My love for teaching,
My love for the stage,
And my love for Him,
My angel, my light.

Music is made of many contrasts:
Piano and forte.
Pain and content.
Adagio and allegro.
Staccato and legato.
Strength and weakness.
Beauty and ugliness.

Music is in everything and everyone.
How ironic that I am one of the few to find it.
Because I am the only one
To embrace the Two Worlds.
One of Darkness,
And because of Him,
One of Light.

The author's comments:
This was written for my former crush, years ago. I was in agony because he did not feel for me in the same way. I got over my pain by writing. Now I am at peace.

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