The Kill | Teen Ink

The Kill

July 3, 2012
By Anonymous

the snow is quiet in its serenity, purest white in its own divinity. moving silently across the lands looking for my next. looking for the kill, they will not expect. I see you and I'm locked on. i can hear your heart beat, in tI'me with your boots on the concrete. slow and steady, jaws at the ready, seconds away. slow motion, swift like the ocean, i upon you without your slightest notion. quick to bite but slow to feed, i close my eyes in ecstasy as you bleed. i can feel your pulse and your blood gush, no louder than a hush. cold as the snow and as dead as the trees, I rise from your body to my knees. the snow around us is stained red as my eyes in delight, i feel another's close presence and i take flight. I silently thank you for the hunt, for i have gone in on the kill tonight.

The author's comments:
If you didnt catch the hint of this, its about a vampire hunting in the winter

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