Your colors | Teen Ink

Your colors

July 3, 2012
By Siren333 SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Siren333 SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like the longest song,
My thoughts carry on of you,
Like a ghost lingering in my mind.
Poking at me,
Telling me to look up and see,
Your aura hovering over my insecurities.

I can hear your voice in my ear,
Whisper I'm wrong.
Telling me we could make it.
But I see your colors,
I see your aura,
Even though were miles apart.

I see your dark,
With bursts of amber,
That keep on shining through.
I see you and I see your talking,
Your mouths moving,
Maybe your singing?

I just cant hear you,
My ears are ringing.
Not a sweet melody,
More like a screeching,
Irritating my soul.

Lashing out my emotion,
Onto who ever happens to be around at the time.

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