Tightrope | Teen Ink


July 2, 2012
By illogicalnonsense BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
illogicalnonsense BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Emma's: "Life is a stage, it's our job to put on the best show possible before the curtain closes" and "Atheism is a non-prophet organization"

Balancing on the thin, light wire,
I rock back and forth,
Back and forth.
You're way above the ground.
No one may touch you.
But the people below are shouting,
They are anticipating your fall.
As you rock back and forth above the Earth
The secretly hope you will fall over.
The wire is cutting into your feet.
You can feel the blood rushing out of them.
Soon, blood will drip off of the wire.
The people on the ground will smile and laugh
For they know you cannot take much more.
They'd like you to fail.
But you endure, stay steady.
As the wind blows you back and forth
You keep standing on the torturous wire.
It's a bit peaceful out there,
The wind is blowing in your hair,
And the birds are singing softly.
If you close your eyes, everything goes away.
It's as if you're the only one on Earth.
Then you remember that you aren't.
You remember the viewers.
Your brain tunes back in to the laughter
And all the cruel shoutings.
You think, to maybe give them what you want.
To spread your arms and rock
Back and forth.
To just let yourself

The author's comments:
I have posted this already on my personal TeenInk page, but wanted it here as well.

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