Orange Jumpsuits | Teen Ink

Orange Jumpsuits

May 24, 2012
By Kendyl BRONZE, Fruitport, Michigan
Kendyl BRONZE, Fruitport, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The lonely young man
behind the finger smudged glass.
being so close, yet so far away.
I can
see you,
hear you,
but cant
touch you.
The hardest thing of all.
The memories that used to feel like yesterday,
are now so far away.
I now know what complete helplessness feels like.
No way of calling,
or reach.
One day a week,
and a post card a day.
Thats what they say.
The one I loves second chance at life lies in the hands of the jury.
I know whats in that big heart of yours if only they could see
that this person behind this glass
isn't who he seems to be.

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