I Will | Teen Ink

I Will

May 23, 2012
By Benanna SILVER, Nowheresville, Missouri
Benanna SILVER, Nowheresville, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will trust...

even when I'm just wandering
down a lonely road

I will smile...

just when I start to crumble beneath the expectations

I will strive...

for the perfection you want for me,
even when it leaves me
falling short

I will laugh...

when I feel most like breaking
when the breaths of air aren't worth taking

Through it all,
I see the most important thing
The key to forgetting any misery

I will have HOPE...

That tomorrow will get better
Not because of my abilities
But because of the Lord's great love for me
Not because of my talent
But for your great plan for me

I will have faith...

For your working things out in me
Living your will through me
Raising up my life to be
Triumphant for your name

I will call on your name
I will trust in your grace
I will smile at your blessings
I will strive for the promise
I will dwell in the joy you've given me

I will have hope
I will have faith

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