Blue Moon | Teen Ink

Blue Moon

June 5, 2012
By Promiss BRONZE, Macon, Georgia
Promiss BRONZE, Macon, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out in the night,
When it only appears to be one light,
That lights the world at one time,
That has the ability to change colors,
But fears rejection by the world,
And chooses to stay white.
For when the moon turns blue,
The world notices the change,
From a normal moon to blue...
Only to change back to white again,
Where he moon becomes invisible.
Why not stay blue?
Because the world would be accustomed to the color,
As if it was blue the whole time,
Just as when white.

The author's comments:
This piece expalains how we as people adapt to change, and how something as beautoful as the moon can go unnoticed just because we are used to the appearance of it. So in this piece I worked around the saying "every blue moon"... not that the moon actually turns blue, but just explained the concept of that saying.

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