The Warrior | Teen Ink

The Warrior

May 27, 2012
By Michelle Greco BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
Michelle Greco BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At a bifurcated road stands a warrior,
dressed in red cloths and impenetrable armor.
Known for being the paladin
of one of the most distinguished families in the country.

Both sides of the road presented before him,
concealed in a thicket of trees and bush.
Notorious for danger,

His posture,
resembles the mettle of a tiger
as he starts to trek down one of the roads.

Behind him,
An argosy of men
ready to follow any order he gives them.
They march on,
Never becoming a rabble.

Time passes, miles left behind them.
The warrior stops his men.
Farther up the road, a figure starts to egress.
At first, they take the figure as a threat.
But figure comes closer into view
And find it is a sallow old man.

Relieved from the non-apparent threat,
The vast army walks on.

Soon after the men reach their limit,
Radiant beams of light greet them.
The troop is liberated from the uncertainty of the path.
With one trial gotten through,
the fearless warrior continues on his journey.

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