Don't Say Impossible | Teen Ink

Don't Say Impossible

June 19, 2012
By pinkiepal BRONZE, Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania
pinkiepal BRONZE, Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since I was little

I've wanted to fly;

To jump off of my cloud

And dive into the sky.

But I watch from the ground

As life passes me by,

And there's pain in my chest

As my heart starts to cry:

How will you know

If you don't ever try?

When a bird spreads its wings

Does it ask itself why?

You're right, I replied,

I won't let myself die.

Don't expect me to go

Without saying goodbye.

Life won't bring me down

When I'm way up high,

I've earned my wings now

And I'm ready to fly.

The author's comments:
What inspired you to write this piece: If you heard you were going to die tomorrow, you'd realize that no one can put an expiration date on a human soul. You're the only one who controls how long you live by finding something or someone worth living for.

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