My Happiest Memories | Teen Ink

My Happiest Memories

May 26, 2012
By VictoriaW. BRONZE, Albertville, Alabama
VictoriaW. BRONZE, Albertville, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are all a little weird, and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up and fall into mutual weirdness and call it love." -Dr. Seuss

Memory is a tenuous thing... flickering glimpses, fading, blue and white, like decrepit, decomposing reels of 16mm film.
Happiness deserts me there, where faces are vague and yesterday seems to come tied in razor-shredded ribbons of pain.
Happiness? I search for it instead in today, where memory is something... someone... I can still touch, still rely on.
I find it in the secret smiles of newfound friends, the covert glances of forbidden lovers, the hope blossoming inside.
Can it be that this man, barely escaped from boyhood, has looked, has seen?
Can it be that this man, faithful as friend since mutual childhood, finally honest of so much more, would bother? bend, to stoop, to kneel, to reach.. to stretch out his hand... to save me?
My happiest memories have no place in the past; they are those I have yet to create.

The author's comments:
I take a Current Events class at my high school, and our teacher asked us to write a paragraph telling him about our happiest memory/memories. My happiest memories , of my fiance, Jace, are tainted by the pain of his death. Rather than looking to the past, to my pain, I look to the future, and the hope of a better tomorrow.

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