Hatred | Teen Ink


May 26, 2012
By Shahiro PLATINUM, Johnston, Iowa
Shahiro PLATINUM, Johnston, Iowa
20 articles 2 photos 262 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Soon we must all choose between what is right and what is easy." - Dumbledore (Goblet of Fire)

A word far overused today,
Something I don't know if I'm capable of.
People say-
"I hate tomatoes!"
"I hate squash!"
But they really only don't like it.
So I won't use the word "hate" falsely,
I won't say something that isn't true.
I really do dislike you.
After all you've done,
After all you've said,
After all you put me through,
I don't hate you,
I don't like you,
But I do,

The author's comments:
Lots of people in my life have inspired this. At school I hear a lot of people saying that they hate each other, but. They laugh their heads off after. I don't know if they realize it was hate that made some of the most well known and despised tyrants in history. One example: Adolf Hitler.

(excuse spelling)

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jul. 9 2012 at 8:33 am
Shahiro PLATINUM, Johnston, Iowa
20 articles 2 photos 262 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Soon we must all choose between what is right and what is easy." - Dumbledore (Goblet of Fire)

Thanks for reading... I was wondering what you ment by elaborate, like where??? Thnx! =D

on Jul. 7 2012 at 9:20 pm
hippiechick99 GOLD, Mesquite, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 224 comments

Favorite Quote:
"... How dreary to be somebody-- How public like a frog;
To tell one's name; the livelong June-- To an admiring bog"
-Emily Dickinson

YES! SO TRUE! I take the word "hate" as something very, very serious and it's just not funny to me... I love the honesty of this poem, although personally, I would elaborate some more. Love your work, keep writing :))))