Tulip Scented Nightmare | Teen Ink

Tulip Scented Nightmare

June 7, 2012
By SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would choose my last breath to say 'i love you'"-unknown

As he awakens to find that the crescent moon has left and the morning’s light has come
he leaves her majesty’s waving fields of daffodils a tricked soul-
one played and left incomplete by her half moon love.

And after destiny’s dormancy, he finds himself lead by an intuition that seemed to have bud itself through his mind and soul
leaving him completely defenseless to its overpowering blossoming in his heart.

Meandering into a different field, one the dimness of the night
And the saddening effulgence of the moon’s glow does not distort the image of.

He is overwhelmed by the violaceous passion in the waving of the flowers, so intriguing, consistent and calming;
The beauty of the tulip brings to his mind the thought of a woman, one more righteous than a princess of flower.
More intriguing than a Mexi deity.

Enticing to the unfortunate soul of he who is only able to lust for such amethyst fervor but not taste due to his stench of naiveté and inexperience.
Though he does not wish to pollute the precious redolence of beauty, he does dream of basking in the deep-purple intensity passion’s pool of love has to offer to those of blossomed beauty and nobility.

Once guy has returned from the moon he is allowed to grasp that which is real,
he still finds himself in a state of disbelief.
Before him there is the meadow, the one he saw before but soon after found himself lost in thought of.
In this meadow lie thousands of tulips-each a floret to beauty’s flower.
She engulfs him in her soul and with the soft swaying of her body in the wind, she woos him to sleep, once again.
Guy can only imagine-dream of the quintessence of beauty in a single woman’s body-the seraphic face waiting to be looked upon-
her aroma waiting to be smelled and noticed by he who is captivated by tulip’s unique scent. And prays for one thing- that she not leave him, if found like her Majesty had when her kingdom of false idles summoned her.
He is smarter now, he has smelled the tempting aroma of deception and falsity and recognizes it.
He will no longer see dreams of night as possible but will see visions of glory in the day and will believe in what she-day shows and experiences him.
As soon as her wooing took him into a deeper sleep and planted memories
of sorrow and disappointment for having not been smarter in seeing that the moon always sets,
his dream became a vintaged fade of nightmare.

even so, the tulip scented nightmare started to intrigue his senses
and the aroma blossomed more until he was suddenly awakened.

Her tulip fragrance filled his lungs and he was awakened entirely from his nightmare- he is awakened and still experiencing what he thought could only be achieved when dreaming.
Once realizing this he soon notices that there is no need to dream ones self to real love- to make of oneself an incubus
to later be left in a field of waving daffodils all alone where there is nothing above but the dull glow of the moon.

I have been awakened now from my tulip scented nightmare, only to find that the scent i smelt in my dream was your way of
telling me you were real and that if i awaken from my state of dormancy than what destiny has for me is in front of me- you my dear,
have scented my nightmare with Tulip’s breathe and this very breathe has brought me back to life.

The author's comments:
the tulip references and purple have to do with te fact that this girl isfrench and the tulip is the national flower of france.

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