A Blank Page | Teen Ink

A Blank Page

June 7, 2012
By Dbrickashaw BRONZE, Riverside, Connecticut
Dbrickashaw BRONZE, Riverside, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pure, blank, untouched, uncharted,
The page taunts me.
Pleading me to compose but
Providing no guidance or assistance.

I lift my pen,
A net to catch my fleeting ideas.
A thought shoots through my mind like an arrow
I catch it only to find it leads nowhere.
It evaporates, contributing to the fog building in my mind.
In submission and defeat, I sheathe my pen,
My only weapon against my mind’s void.

The pure, blank, torn page speaks now.
Resting in the trash bin,
It tells a story of frustration and despair.
Still untouched.

The author's comments:
This piece was my expression of the frustration that sometimes experienced in the poetic creation process. Instead of sitting on my poem and thinking about how frustrating and pointless it was, I channeled my emotions into this poem.

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