Justice | Teen Ink


May 21, 2012
By Eryn Bodily BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Eryn Bodily BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You walk over everyone
You don't really care
You pretend to have something
That just isn't there

You take the people you meet
And smash them down to the ground
Killing them with your feet
But there's something I've found

You can act like you're happy
You can defend your ways
But you can't take me down
Not for one of my days

I will stand up and fight
You can't make me quit
I will never stop trying
With my will and my wit

You have won the battle
But you're losing the war
You're getting so tired
Now you won't go far

You can try your best
But then I will try harder
Keep talking your talk
And I'll be the martyr

I'll give myself up
But i'm not alone
I've got several people
You wish you had known

My strength, my support
Even of i am gone
They will be there for me
So the story goes on

And while you're struggling
I'll be dancing with joy
Not with cruelty, just revenge
To a middle school boy

The author's comments:
this is the best poem I've ever wriiten; I guess i was just full of anger.

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