Reflections on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict | Teen Ink

Reflections on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

June 9, 2012
By leahrhamilton SILVER, Bedford, Massachusetts
leahrhamilton SILVER, Bedford, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Enough of blood and tears. Enough." - Yitzhak Rabin

we speak the same language
or different ones
it doesn’t matter
we eat the same foods
or maybe not
also irrelevant
we lead distinctly different lives
forget all that
stare across the fence
at the booming mecca on one side
or at the wasteland on the other
why is there a fence, brother?
why do you keep your brothers out?
we walk under the same sun
children of adonai
or allah
or nobody
but you are still brothers
don’t let that pass you by
while you strip search any brother
wearing a magen david
or a keffiyeh
you’re all brothers
all family
under the same damn sun
let it hang in the air
with the bullets and the rockets
let it hang
in the back
of your mind
at all

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 18 2012 at 9:55 am
SummerShadows BRONZE, KZN, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Patience and perseverance. Nothing is perfect so live it and make it last!

This is a beauiful poem. I wish other people could see it the way you do. And your poem so true...why is there a fence?