loneliness | Teen Ink


June 7, 2012
By twistedsong25 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
twistedsong25 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to talk about loneliness.
How her heart had to break
Under the pain of being forgotten
How she looked for love never to find a single kindness.
How sad it was for the pain to be like an old friend
Returning again and again
Never leaving her side.
Talk about the Fear
Of being alone
How it boils and simmers
In red hot waves and takes the humanity away
Hiding it under an avalanche of uncertainty
Not to be found under the destruction of her
Past, present and future.
Talk about the anger
Of not knowing
What’s wrong with her?
Why she’s constantly left to the hard world
Alone and destroyed
Knowing nothing
Seeing everything
And why people avoid her
Like the plague
Nothing but glances full of hatred
And eyes filled with pity.
I want to talk about the loneliness how it eats away the soul,
How the pain corrodes the mind
Leaving only insanity behind.

The author's comments:
i hope people will get from this not to discriminate against people and how much it hurts when they do

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