Splash | Teen Ink


June 1, 2012
By Anonymous

The rain is falling.
plish plosh plish plosh
downward and downward
to my upturned face
why do they fall at this pace?
creating tears
where there were none

little diamonds blur my eyes;
I can not view the skies
A mantle of mist, smothers
plish plosh plish plosh
making my world awash with color
bleed and bleed and bleed—
till there is none left,
only a gray that
no one wants to see

they are lenses to the world
plish plosh plish plosh
yet warped, so swirled
A person says white.
another, this is black
neither black nor white
not monochrome
shades of gray

water still splashes
plish plosh plish plosh
tears of angels
crying for naught
slowly they dry their
eyes. and. Aurora. lets
down her hair…
Rapunzel, letting the prince
climb onto the rainbow
or rainbow/tower
Who knows?

i see a statue
plish plosh—splash
it is confined, reach out
touch. shatter. we broke the
shell that you call:
as the pieces float away
your smile is like a flower

the wind breathes in my ear
shhh shhh shhh shhh
rain has left
our world is not a void of
no color
don’t cry alone.
take hand in hand
together we will
rainbow of people

The author's comments:
My poem, “Splash”, relates to a theme of both harmony and fellowship, in that it shows the mix of elements that separates people from people…or people from nature. Through watching a rainstorm, I realized that while we, as people, are so close, we can still be so very isolated, so very encapsulated in our introspection that we soon forget to take a breath. “Splash” encourages the breaking of those barriers and pushes one to reach out a hand. The concept of “together” is not only significant in our modern society, but integral to its conception. It is little matter of your appearance, ethnicity, or likes or dislikes—once you get to know a person, they will always keep a little piece of your self, and vice versa. In addition, the idea of connecting to nature is also addressed within the work, not exactly about connecting spiritually to Mother Nature, but rather, conveying the message of preservation and appreciation. Increasingly, less and less of the general population deign to enjoy a flower’s scent, or a tree turning color, but these little things are precious and ephemeral, literally vanishing with the turn of a season. Furthermore, we must also realize the importance of preservation: we cannot restore what has been lost, but through thinking “together” in terms of environmental awareness, we can save much of the diversity and beauty which currently exists on our planet today. The same goes for the human span of diversity—a little effort to embrace such “togetherness” often goes much farther than one might think.

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