Remember | Teen Ink


June 1, 2012
By Kestra Bartholomew BRONZE, Hillsboro, Oregon
Kestra Bartholomew BRONZE, Hillsboro, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Remember, remember,
The sixth of December,
The tears that Recklessness wrought.
I know of no reason,
In bitterest seasons,
These live should be forgot.
For Amanda and her friends
Were of Forever deprived.
If not for such events, they would
Still be alive.
Fearlessly, they followed not
The words that elders did bestow,
But instead followed each other
From one darkness to another.
Came endlessly,
While Angels came gracefully,
Taking two
From screaming sirens,
Flashing red and blue.
The tears, the tears, may disappear
As moments turn to long-lost years,
But we shall hold their memories dear.
Always, always, the Recklessness replays.
Forever, forever, still remember,
Even to this day.

The author's comments:
I wanted to submit this poem to a scholarship contest that raised awareness for distracted and reckless driving, but the deadline had already passed. It is an allusion to, and based off of, an old English folk poem called "The Fifth of November". I would also like to dedicate this poem to Amanda, who recklessly drove while on drugs, a decision that took her life 6 years ago.

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