They Couldn't See... | Teen Ink

They Couldn't See...

June 4, 2012
By purplekiwi SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
purplekiwi SILVER, Sterling, Virginia
5 articles 3 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
-when you come to the edge of all the light you have, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen; 1. there will be solid ground for you to stand on, or 2. you will be taught how to fly

She was the levanter.
But to them, she was just a puff of wind…
In truth, she was not a theme of banter.
But she was a flimsy nothing, in everyone’s head.
She was a great rainbow.
But to them, she was just a shade of gray…
Her soul was like the sky, and the valleys below,
But none knew of this, just the same.
She was a mighty oak tree.
But to them, she was just a forgotten acorn…
She was better than the rest of them ever could be,
But they were unaware...and the fault was their own.
So she went on bubbling and shining and being,
Until she died one winter’s day…
And her soul rose over the landscape, and seeing,
The people rushed towards it, in an array.
The sky was glowing, peach, pink, and red,
And it was sparkling, and glittering, too.
The people knew it was no regular sky,
And they recognized the girl they once overlooked.
They finally saw her for who she was, her soul dominating the sky.
They shed tears of both sorrow and regretfullness
For disregarding her while she was alive.
But they were also filled with joy
At seeing their old girl.
For they knew she would at last be honored,
In her, eternal, Home.

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