What mother are for | Teen Ink

What mother are for

June 4, 2012
By snowfreak BRONZE, Guilford, Vermont
snowfreak BRONZE, Guilford, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Mommm. I’m to hungry to go to school today!“

“To bad your going.“ I snarled back. Our hunger was outstanding. I couldn’t wait to get that pay check so I could make a nice meal for me and my two sons. Ever since my husband left food has been scarce, money was even more scarce. He used to provide for us. But that one day where he found out about-- I don’t like talking about it. It was a silly stupid mistake. Well after that he left. He stormed right out that old brown and almost ripped It right off the hinges and never looked back. He didn’t care whether or not we ate. Or even paid the rent. My sons were hungry and I had to do something about it now.

It was a Tuesday and it was my first day at my new job at the Diner on 34th and Grandville. It was an old 50’s themed diner not bigger than a box car. It had all the red candy painted booth seats, a rickety jukebox that was harvesting dust on it, and all the neon lights going around the outside. It was “the” original 50’s diner. Now working I knew I wouldn’t want to go home and cook, but I knew I had to. My two boys had been begging me the other day to eat something. Anything. And I wasn’t going to let their cries be unheard. I cant wait to say “Here you are sweetie, enjoy this great meal”.

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