Butterfly Knife | Teen Ink

Butterfly Knife

May 29, 2012
By Anonymous

So many knives out there,
But which one?
So many different ropes,
But which one?
I feel like Im breathing no air.
It feels like Im done.
I lost all of my hope.
Now from faith, I must run.
The perfect knife.
The one with hand tricks.
Open it and stab it through my chest.
Then, lifeless, I fall to the floor.
I am a failure at life.
Theirs no one to stick with.
A butterfly would be the best.
The other ones I would ignore.
Stab myself in the heart.
Let myself bleed.
i ignore the pain.
And would try to lay down.
The reasons, where do I start?
Her I would need.
But what would I gain?
Nothing. Id rather lay dead on the ground.

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