Terror | Teen Ink


May 21, 2012
By ChelBell2014 BRONZE, Walnut Hill, Florida
ChelBell2014 BRONZE, Walnut Hill, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Terror is not someone
jumping from a dark closet to scare you.
Terror is the flames of hunger
you see in a rapists eyes
as they watch your daughter.
Terror is the father
who must watch his daughter
be burned to death
because of his own actions.
Terror is the wisp of a flame,
coming from a match as it drops
to the gas spread around her feet.
Terror sounds like a young girls cry,
as flames lick at her heels.
Terror sounds like a teardrop sizzling,
looking to extinguish the flames,
but failing.
Another word for terror does not exist,
for terror cannot be matched.
The thing about terror,
is that noone deserves it.

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