Pretty Pretend | Teen Ink

Pretty Pretend

May 21, 2012
By StringTheory BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
StringTheory BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing gold can stay." by Robert Frost.

Let’s play a game
Count one, two, three;
But first, i have to speak of the rules.
Rules known only by me.

First, I want you to close your eyes;
look inside that broken heart you possess.
Tell yourself you’re alright, you’re just fine;
To this, yourself, you must address.

Pretend you have no problems,
that your life isn’t such a mess.
That you aren’t falling apart, as the seconds tick by.
Lies you do confess.

Next, you must put up a smile,
make sure it looks good, that it looks real;
it’s a genuine fake, false in the making.
That is how to game must feel.

Rule three is simple,
just don’t shed a tear;
Make sure no one knows anything is wrong,
that you have nothing to fear.

That’s how you play my game;
a game of Pretty Pretend.
The demanding voices fade.
Those who wish can make their amends.

Open your eyes only once again.
Your lies melt away, rules free to bend.
Curses from family, friends, and strangers dance with the wind.
Welcome light from the darkness, to a world void of Pretty Pretend.

That’s how you play my game,
my game of Pretty Pretend.
The definite way to lead the lie,
to keep all your friends.

Let’s play my game, Pretty Pretend;
count one, two, three.
Fake smile, artificial laugh, crying forid;
And this is how to be just like me.

The author's comments:
Poem I submitted to a contest.

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