Judgement | Teen Ink


May 24, 2012
By Laura Velez BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
Laura Velez BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Close your eyes, pretty.
Tell yourself it’ll all go away.
Tell yourself it won’t ever come back to haunt you.
Needles and a ball of thread,
are sitting by waiting for you.
It's a simple solution.
Sew your eyes and mouth shut.
Sew your hopes and dream and memories and each little surge of agony shut.
Tighten each stitch, beautiful.
Keep them even; though.
You know they'll judge your mistakes.
Once all feeling is gone, you'll realize,
what you can no longer sense won’t hurt you, lovely.
Tear your ears along the lines,
but keep perfect perforation.
They’ll judge you for that, too.
Hide away in your precious little world.

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