Memories Here Hither! | Teen Ink

Memories Here Hither!

May 28, 2012
By Anonymous

Resonance climbs the labyrinthine ladder of the Hallway
Endeavors to unravel my slurs fall awry
Velvety sleeves dwell short of thy’s feeble knees
Envy wordlessly weeps, smiling its perpetual glee
Rimming ripples of chromatic hues seeking no revise
Islands of those, which stupefies the creature’s eyes
Eve’s loveliness shall I simply word “Superb”
Scaevity gently utters me obscure

October’s lambent sky entitles to disguise
Fickle fairies, weaving the Robe of Night

Tracing Moonlight Sonata among Clutch and Mill
Windowsills that shelf the aged wine
Ivy curiously listens between the sylvan stems
Never will my lover’s melody heed her again
Endwise, I thrice chant to the lingering wind
Siren’s songs of memories and gin

The author's comments:
I do partake of the wine, but besides that case, this poem represents my lost-love that once lived with me in those past idle and lovely days. Upon exiting the hallway, I see her old, monochrome photograph in our room; such is where the description emanates.

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