Johnny | Teen Ink


May 28, 2012
By qrobinson GOLD, Richmond, Virginia
qrobinson GOLD, Richmond, Virginia
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
you must be the change in the world that you cannot see

It was a normal day
The sun is out, the birds are singing
But of a different song, one that
Was unfamiliar to my young ears

Me and the boys Terry, Tyson, and Ceylon
Were joking around about girls and
Many other inappropriate topics

I then notice the sound of metal clacking
Clack, clack, clack, clack
It stops all my thoughts
I rifle through my mind of all the sounds
It could be, I turn around to see my little brother
Johnny racing, tires full of flames

I notice behind him that there was a
Silver Acura chasing after
I yell at him to get out of the way
But he says that they were coming
To harm me
He is a ways away from the car but it
Is gaining on him fast
I know that if he makes it to me,
I will only have a second or so to save him
His feet move like his life depended on it
He pedals, then the distance between him and the car decrease
He pedals, less distance between
He pedals, less distance between
He gives on last pedal, that is enough to get him to me
I snatch him off the bike and blanked him with my entire body

Then, loud pops cracked the lull air
After the car continues down the street I get up
To assess the situation but as I stand
I feel warm liquid on my chest
For a second, I thought that Johnny had gotten really nervous
And had urine on me but I looked at my chest and the liquid was a
Bruised purple
It didn’t take me long to realize that it
Was blood
I feel around to see if I have any holes but there
Was nothing
I looked at Johnny to do the same thing but his eyes
Were closed and his head slumped back I put my hand under
His head to support him
Red liquid poured from his head like prom punch
I demand him to wake-up but he doesn’t
I tried again but there is no answer
I pound on his chest but there is no response

Now that he is dead
I have this fire in my eyes
I have anger in my heart
The blood that once slid through my fingers will be replaced
By the blood of his killers
Now, I want to pick the world up and shake free the driver
And passenger of that silver Acura
I will pop their heads like they are nothing but Ho-Hos given
To a fat kid
I will kill them even if I must die as well
Revenge is sweet, it is my necture
I’m gonna get you, for my brain is sicker
I’m not gonna try, I will successed
I’m gonna break you down, down to your knees
You gonna cry, you gonna wept
I swear oh lord; you won’t get to your feet
I’m not gonna cry, because you got to die!!!

The author's comments:
The book Band Of Brothers made me write this!!!

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