Laughter, Jiff Peanut Butter, and Horses | Teen Ink

Laughter, Jiff Peanut Butter, and Horses

May 22, 2012
By Avery10 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Avery10 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe humor and positive attitude will get you through anything and that the summer is not complete until I go tubing on the lake with my best friend.

I believe that people put too much emphasis on religion and that we should smile at everyone we see because it will make their day a little brighter.

I believe in driving down a country road in the summer blaring music and that the key to love is laughter.

I believe in late night summer bonfires with my family at the lake and that celery and Jiff peanut butter is the best snack there is.

I believe I am going to Indiana University next year and that all items should be priced in whole numbers. $5, not $4.99.

I believe pink grapefruit body wash is the best smelling out there and that a normal person from a small town should be the next president.

And above all, I believe that horses give me a taste of what it would be like to fly

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