My Escape Route | Teen Ink

My Escape Route

May 24, 2012
By Amanda Collins SILVER, Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania
Amanda Collins SILVER, Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ring ring! The telephone sounds in midst of commotion
Another missed call
That makes fifty-three
You still do not get the point?
Your suffocation no longer drowns me

After a year and six long months,
Fighting, yelling, sadistic screams
Here is my escape, you are my trap
Your manipulation no longer fools me

His blue eyes reveal soft comfort
Like the new born sea at sunrise
They call out, "I can save you"
Your sweet nothings no longer grasp me

He tries; proving you are not all the same
I used to believe-
The only difference I see in them
is they all have different names
Your ways no longer trap me

Seeing my mother's tears from your infliction
I knew then your time was up
Lies, name calling, kiss them goodbye
Your words no longer harm me

He came in to my life with the changing of the leaves
A time that initiated death, preparing for new life
His welcoming arms and sweet diction are a constant comfort from the penetration of your pain
You can no longer hurt me

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