Entrance to the Grand Canal | Teen Ink

Entrance to the Grand Canal

May 23, 2012
By Alisa McBride BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
Alisa McBride BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rising high in the pastel sky,
Delicate strokes of plum, magenta, and strawberry swirl into clouds.
How many buildings line the horizon?
Shyly blending into the background,
A purple, blue, and pink city of shells,
Lit graciously by the sun’s warming morning rays.
Soft yellow light bursts through the clouds,
Dancing in full waltz with orchid and fuchsia,
Sighing into the atmosphere.
Lemon, banana, honeydew, and shades of moss reflect on the water,
A beautiful fleet of deep burgundy gondolas collect in the shimmery pool,
Gliding toward the entrance to the Grand Canal,
Welcome to Venice, Darling.

The author's comments:
This is an ekphrastic poem for Paul Signac's art piece, Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice.

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