Fossils on Fire | Teen Ink

Fossils on Fire

May 23, 2012
By Megan Krotzer BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
Megan Krotzer BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fossils are on fire;
Like the prehistoric days.
They burn in the ground;
With a red passionate haze.

Things once new;
Now so old.
They rot in the ground.
So bare and cold.

So large and fierce;
Animals that once roamed.
Paleontologists now seek;
There valuable, rigid bone.

The beast that sauntered;
Now lies in the ground.
Formerly sneered;
Now wears a long miserable frown.

A look in the past;
Sets our thoughts sinking.
But we will never know;
What the fired fossils are thinking.

The author's comments:
This is an ekphrastic poem based on the sculpture "Stegosaurus" by Alexander Calder, at the Toledo Museum of Art.

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