Sunlight on the Coast | Teen Ink

Sunlight on the Coast

May 23, 2012
By Morgan Doty BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
Morgan Doty BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nighttime storms, the crash is consoling,
As ocean waters keep on rolling.
Midnight blue, the waves are dark,
Thrashing driftwood, and whipping bark.
In the distance, a boat violently sways,
This is why I favor wild days.
White water throws itself on the shore,
I can’t take the storm anymore.
When the morning comes, the sun will rise,
Turn the water calm, and light the skies.
The sky will warm, the water will shine,
The eerie calm sends shivers down my spine.
The sun on the coast,
Makes me sadder than most.
To see the storm has gone,
Gone away with dawn.
So like the distant boat,
I watch as my worries float,
Off into the rising sun,
Signaling a new day has begun.

The author's comments:
This is an ekphrastic poem based on the painting Sunlight on the Coast by Winslow Homer, from the Toledo Museum of Art.

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