So I walk... | Teen Ink

So I walk...

May 23, 2012
By Anonymous

The day is coming close to an end. I look out to see the last rays of sunshine penetrating the earth. I am eager to step out and forget about the day, even if it’s just for a while. So I walk…
The voices of children playing grab my attention. Their ongoing laugher and happiness puts a smile on my face. So I walk…
I slip off my flip-flops in order to feel the thin, fresh cut grass brush against my feet. So I walk…
It’s a familiar Path. Countless of houses, right next to each other, for miles. So I walk…
As I turn the corner I spy the ones responsible for the ongoing loud sound, the roofers. Busy workers like the bees. So I walk…
I keep strolling down the same lonely road. The occasional car driving past me interrupts my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. So I walk…
So lost in my thoughts I don’t see the hole in the sidewalk. I awkwardly stumble; no one is there to see. So I walk…
Night is coming now. House lights are being lit. I make my way back home with the sound of my footsteps fading in the night. So I walk…

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