Billy's Marble | Teen Ink

Billy's Marble

May 18, 2012
By apple212 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
apple212 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From Billy’s hand
Onto the wooden floors
Down the hallway
Out the door
Along the sidewalk
Past the grocery store
Beneath a red car
Across the street
With a cat
With a dog
With red-haired Molly
In a backyard
Inside a plastic tea cup
Out of the plastic tea cup
Among tulips and roses
Below a sparrow
Beneath the sky
On the green, freshly cut grass
Against a wired fence
Below the wired fence
Along the sidewalk
Past the coffee shop
Past the pet store
In the door
Up the hallway
From the wooden floors
After fifteen years
Onto Billy’s hand

The author's comments:
My poem is meant to symbolize that eventually all good things come back to you. In addition each line of the poem is a prepositional phrase. I believe the simplicity of this poem adds to its value.

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