My Soft Home | Teen Ink

My Soft Home

May 6, 2012
By Kristen Davis BRONZE, Armonk, New York
Kristen Davis BRONZE, Armonk, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A soldier it is to me with
Its metal shield out strong,
Blocking out the frights,
That clashes toward me during the night

Its arms wrap around me,
And a hug I am given,
Every time I close my eyes
And transfer into the land of dreams

Every so often,
When thunder and lightning strike me,
And I don’t know where I stand,
As my land of dreams have intruders,
Intruding on my own land

My soft home still never lets me go,
Even when I am floating in the air,
And I have no surface to grab me from this nightmare,
But my soft home’s body presses against me,
And brings me back to the land of Earth

A bird it feels like to me,
With its feathers so soft and warm,
And when I am unconscious and weak,
Or feel like snow is all around me at night,
The heavenly surface makes me feel warm again

When I toss and turn at night,
As darkness overcomes and crashes into me,
I feel lost at sea,
And plead for him to let me free

As the monster stops me
And knocks me off balance,
I go into a snowy storm that I can’t manage through

But even when I confused about what to do,
Or I am drowning and can’t find my way back to shore,
A bright light will always guide me back,
To my soft home,
My home that provides the warmth of the sun to me

My soft home,
Is a place that will always search and find me,
Even if I am lost at sea,
The darkness travels through me,
Or I go into a snowy storm,
I can always find a place where I belong

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a poem, that stated that everyone has a home. Animals and people always will have a place that they know they belong. Even when sometimes we feel lost, and don't know where we should go, we will always find a place that we belong in the end. I want people to get this message that there will always be a safe home to turn to in hard times.

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