A Recipe for Successful Yoga Practice | Teen Ink

A Recipe for Successful Yoga Practice

May 15, 2012
By kotradypa BRONZE, Greencastle, Pennsylvania
kotradypa BRONZE, Greencastle, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Combine the key ingredients into your body;
a cup of patience, a tablespoon of strength, a pinch of persistence.
Stir them together gently,
thoughtfully adding a mantra when needed.

With the heat of each pose,
slowly bake all of the ingredients until your muscles ache.
Embrace the warmth, allowing the mixture to unify and create the ultimate product;
Self love.

After approximately 30 minutes,
and you feel as though the ingredients have been baked thoroughly,
savor the benefits,
allowing each ingredient to soothingly flow through your body.

Finally, breathe.
Keep the product with you wherever you go,
and when you run out, repeat the recipe.

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