Hearts | Teen Ink


May 17, 2012
By rawr288 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
rawr288 BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes are the windows to the soul,
Because Souls have no eyes.
In the body there is a hole;
Where there should be a heart.
Where love is a part,
And blood is another.
Let it skip a beat
When you see him walk down the street.
Know you have a heart,
When feel the pain inflicted from another.
When you feel it being crushed
From ones words.
Let love shine through
At the very thought of you.
Feel your heart rise
When you look into his eyes Because souls have no eyes
But eyes are the windows to the soul.

The author's comments:
I hope people will get from my poem "Hearts" is that everyone has a heart. What inspired me to write this poem was a song about how people treating other people wrong.

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