Indistinguishable Differences | Teen Ink

Indistinguishable Differences

May 18, 2012
By Kaitlinxo BRONZE, Clakston, Michigan
Kaitlinxo BRONZE, Clakston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dry moist chilly air meets the stripped bodies
Piece after piece gently peeling off
Layers being spread like fertilizer
Goose bumped covered skin
Chilled prickles erect minuscule hairs
Each foot submerged
Legs, torso, arms, neck, nose
Hair drifting outward
Spider webbing outward
Splitting outward
Water boiling the bumps into thin air
Replaced by a glossy flushed skin pallet
Submerged within the darkened confined pool
Arms snaking around
Cradling the meek intoxication
Misty clouds trap in the confined feelings
Whispers escape
Joining the impassioned misty air
Murmurs of struggle and devotion
Murmurs of strife
Murmurs that morph into the bleeding need for another
Hands weave and explore porous dimpled bodies
Raw need for one another blossoms into the dewy damp air
Weaving its way through the thoughts of each
Joining each one’s thoughts into a mixture of desire
The cliché of love is germinated from the hot bath
Boiling water parts and the two emerge as one: a beautiful hermaphrodite

The author's comments:
This piece is a metaphor for a relationship-how two people go in as separate entities and come out as one.

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