Surrender | Teen Ink


April 27, 2012
By jackel SILVER, Saint Peter&#39s, Missouri
jackel SILVER, Saint Peter&#39s, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hearts are vicious. They attack us and cause us to ache; they break us, and give us reason never to love.

I've often thought that life would be better without them. Hearts that is, without them we wouldn't do stupid and impulsive things, for they make us believe that we can actually love.

But love is little more than an infatuation. It blinds us so that all we can see is a lie. A mistake that never should have happened.

And no sooner do we realize this, everything falls away, and you're free falling from a ledge. That is the moment you've been waiting for. The anticipation, and the drop. The rush, and then... the end. So surrender everything and you'll lose nothing.

The author's comments:
Sometimes we are blinded by the thing we want most. We can't truly see unless we open our eyes.

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