Were I am from | Teen Ink

Were I am from

May 16, 2012
By EytanHenry SILVER, Dix Hills, New York
EytanHenry SILVER, Dix Hills, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why." - Bernard Baruch

I am from long car rides and Pokemon cards,
I am from watching Hebrew videos and Rug-Rats,
I am from climbing trees with friends and scratches and bangs,
A near drowning experience and a miraculous recovery.

I am from Sabbat* dinners every Friday night,
From great grandma Lily’s silver candlesticks,
Dipping apples and honey, and long Passover dinners,
I am from Grandma’s kugel*,
Chasing my big brother round the dinning room,
I am from reading with my daddy every night,
I am from sleepovers with my cousins and scary stories.

I am from long plane rides to Israel,
From spending time with my Israeli cousins,
I am from speaking Hebrew, and Israeli camps,
From humid Mediterranean beaches, and fresh, juicy pomegranates,
I am from falafels and running through orange groves,
I am from Saba*’s riddles.

I am from crayon drawings, from long ago, that hang framed on my wall,
From dedicated parents who nurture my creativity, who have established my values.

The author's comments:
This piece reminds me of my childhood, where I am from.

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