Spring | Teen Ink


May 16, 2012
By paulette machuca BRONZE, Commack, New York
paulette machuca BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beautiful sky blue robins perched on a rough brown tree branch
And a fuzzy chocolate colored dog as small as a chipmunk, scampering down the street.
A tree with leaves, blooming green, and dropping pollen,
And the radiant sun, scorching the sidewalks.
It is spring.

Birds chirping a sweet melody,
And the squeal of a lawnmower, roaring to life.
The shriek of kids, running around playing tag,
And the burbling and splash of a brook, running merrily along
It is spring.

The moist, wet smell of April ending,
And the crisp, fresh air of may beginning
New grown grass blowing with the wind,
And a plate of sweet and tangy smelling strawberries, left on a counter.
It is spring.

The sweet taste of the ice cream
Left behind by the ice cream man.
The smooth and buttery flavor of whipped cream,
And the spicy and sugary tang of cinnamon.
It is spring.

Pools opening, the screech of rusty swing sets
And the anxious kids waiting to get to them.
Fresh breeze blowing through peoples hair,
As they walk through the neighborhoods.
It is spring.

The stench of sweat racing down peoples backs.
The splash of water as kids jump into
The crowded beaches,
And a butterfly dancing across my skin.
It will soon be summer.

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