trippy stuff | Teen Ink

trippy stuff

May 15, 2012
By Anonymous

Lay it down wack
Journee is my little bug who plays with her rubber ducks while eating cupcakes.
The musty mouse chewed on a carrot that tasted like a cotton ball.
The punk kitty got chewing gum munchies when she smoked snap crackle and pop
T. rex rocked his doll on a conch shell boat.
Gummy gators ran jack and Jill even Phil up a hill
While the cupcakes charged scream with machine guns.
They got fought off with paper and a ceiling tile
Edgar Allen Poe made a piggy pie and Freddy fox came out of his hole
Woodstock rocked you like the 60's and its still missn me
Incense and crystals creep in my dreams.
Paper route and a pay check came from Jessica and Jason
So I went home to play with paint and clay
So when I got home knitting needles were mulching roses
Strawberry cheese cake and my dad hang like bros in my grandpa’s old row boat
Kickn it old school with steam engines and piston rods
Wow I must be messed up cuz that was trippy .

The author's comments:
its like a list poem of all the stuff i was thinking about in class and ... ya its a lot

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zaezue1 said...
on May. 18 2012 at 10:58 am
zaezue1, Thorton, Colorado
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