My Grandmother | Teen Ink

My Grandmother

May 14, 2012
By Tahoe621 BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
Tahoe621 BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

7 paces to the right and 3 leaps forward from the moon are you resting in heaven
An arm outstretched plus millions of miles away are you separated from me
Are you waiting, unchanging, stedfast
Like an everlasting star in the blanket of night

Brilliant star, your presence on earth makes itself known in little ways
I see you from your celestial perch in the night but also in the twinkle of my grandfather’s eyes
In the exasperation of my mothers face after a tedious day
Is that you, inside a laugh, behind a thought, reflected on the faces of strangers?

Brilliant star, always in the back of our minds, like a photograph faced down.
Loving memories stay at arm’s length, quiet, always present,
Like the shadows at night, always a silent companion
No matter what changes, our love for you will never die.

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