Thoughts | Teen Ink


May 15, 2012
By mattgallipoli BRONZE, Commack, New York
mattgallipoli BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in front of an open window
In the aftermath of a storm
Listening to the graceful song of the birds
Feeling drowsy in the arms of a heavy fog
Fiddling around with a plastic animal
My mother calls from the dining room
She has prepared lunch
Peanut butter and jelly cut into four sections
Her call seems distant to me
And I do not come

Sitting in front of an open window
In the aftermath of a storm
Listening to the whistling of the wind
Feeling comforted by the silence
Sipping a cup of lukewarm tea
My father calls from outside
Why don't you come help with the garden?
There is work to be done
His call seems distant to me
And I do not come

Sitting in front of an open window
In the aftermath of a storm
Listening to the rustling of the trees
Feeling content in the presence of friends
Browsing through a textbook
My best friend taps me on the shoulder
Do you want to go out for a bite to eat?
Take a break from your work
Her call seems distant to me
And I do not come

Sitting in front of an open window
In the aftermath of a storm
Listening to the pitter-patter of children's feet
Feeling stressed, but comfortable
Watching carefully the actions of these children
My partner calls from the backyard
Come outside and read the morning paper!
Take a deep breath
His call seems distant to me
And I do not come

Sitting in front of an open window
In the aftermath of a storm
Listening to the melody and harmony of nothing at all
Feeling quite alone
Breathing slowly and heavily
My daughter calls from the kitchen
Do you need anything?
You should not do everything on your own
Her call seems distant to me
And I do not answer

Sitting in front of an open window
In the aftermath of a storm
Day quickly turns to night
And in a single minute
My life passes before my eyes

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