My Room | Teen Ink

My Room

May 15, 2012
By Ethan Olshever BRONZE, Commack, New York
Ethan Olshever BRONZE, Commack, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My relaxation room
my getaway
my place to snore

My resting place (but not my grave)
my sleeping room
where I can wake up at 6:30 on a Saturday-
and not annoy anyone

My reading room
where I’ll read all day
(if it’s a good book)

My study room
where I can stu-
wait a sec, I don’t study in here!

My Roller Coaster Tycoon room
where I can make hundred-mile-an-hour coasters and millions of dollars
hoping I could have it one day

My “Oh my God, it’s Monday!” room
(I really hate that beeping
noise from my alarm clock)

My “Oh thank God it’s Saturday” room
(I really love not hearing that beeping
noise from my alarm clock)

My “Uh oh, I’ve got a project due tomorrow that I didn’t start” room
It only happened twice
(those were some fun 2 nights)

My “go to your” room
I won't go into that…

My sick-and-stay-home-from-school room
where I can happily stay home from school-
until I find out I have 2 hours of work to make up

My TV room
where I can watch TV and wish I had a bigger one

My Favorite room
where I can do anything I want-
sort of

My Room

Not yours

Or yours


My room

The author's comments:
Sitting in my room, thinking about what to write.
Hey! How about my room?

Also, some internet research helped, too!

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