Who Am I | Teen Ink

Who Am I

May 13, 2012
By Jenny143 SILVER, Petaluma, California
Jenny143 SILVER, Petaluma, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I?
Am I the girl who walks with a limp?
Or the boy who sits alone?
Am I the jock, the nerd, or the wannabe?
Do I have brown hair? Or blonde? Or purple?
Do I stand out in a crowd,
Or cower in the corner?

Every person has a story,
You just have to listen.
Am I the person who ran away from home?
Or the survivor who watched everyone else slip away?
Did I lose someone special, or get lost down the road?
Am I constantly happy, or around the clock depressed?

Every person has a secret.
Did I rob a bank, or steal a heart?
Was I laughed off the stage, or did I let my friends down?
Maybe I was the boy who couldn’t talk until he was 8.
Or the girl who was born with a mental disorder.

Are we all so different?
Millions of people worship the same god.
Thousands of teams play sports.
Hundreds of families might live in an apartment.
We are all unique, but at the same time, alike.
We might have the same stories, or secrets, or features.
Am I a single person,
Or an entire race?

Who am I?
I am myself,
But I am also everyone else.

The author's comments:
Everyone tells me I'm my own person, but am I? We all share common bonds. Almost everyone experiences love, sacrifice, and so much more. If we could learn from each other, we could help improve each others lives.

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