St. Nick's Sled | Teen Ink

St. Nick's Sled

May 12, 2012
By Austin_9k SILVER, Westminster, Maryland
Austin_9k SILVER, Westminster, Maryland
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A man's interest in a single bluebird is worth more than a complete but dry list of the fauna and flora of a town.

Fill your sack
Jolly St. Nick
With all those prized possessions
So they can load their homes
with toys that bring them joy
for a day or two

Fill that sack
till it is full to the brim
koad it with goodies and gold
to grow the mind and grow the soul
or at least the wallet

Fill that sack
Jolly St. Nick
let it overload the sled
weigh down the world, over work the reigndeer
and suffocate the kids till their dead

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on May. 17 2012 at 9:08 pm
GhostOfMyself BRONZE, Westfield, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You please no one when you try to please everyone" Mark Cuban

Very deep.